If you have any information about this individual or other crimes, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 855-485-TIPS(8477)
You NEVER give your name.
If YOUR tip leads to an arrest, you could be eligible for CASH REWARDS !!
CRIME STOPPERS can pay a cash reward of UP TO $2000 and you remain anonymous.
Wanted for murder in Meridian September 30, 2017
Meridian Police are looking for Aundre Rashuan Tubbs and Robert L. McDonald in connection with a homicide that took place Friday evening in the 1800 block of 17th avenue .
Both men are suspects in this crime and are considered armed and dangerous. Anyone that helps these wanted persons to evade law enforcement, WILL BE charged with accessory !
Call Crimestoppers and remain anonymous !!! If YOUR tip leads to their arrest -then YOU could be eligible for CASH rewards !
Quadruple homicide -Lauderdale County February 21, 2017
February 20th,2017
Someone entered the home of Edna Durr and her daughters and grandchild on Butts Road in Toomsuba. When found Tuesday morning -the deputy`s arriving found indications that something horrible had happened.
Inside was the bodies of 3 women and a 5yr old male child. All had been shot.
Authorities are looking for the person or persons responsible for this brutal crime.
IF you have any information about this investigation- Please call East Mississippi Crimestoppers at 855-485-TIPS.
Any information is completely Confidential !
855-485-TIPS If YOUR tip leads to an arrest .. you could be eligible for CASH rewards up to $2000.00 !!
Please watch this video and see if you know this person responsible for the murder of Sandeep Singh . Call Crimestoppers with any information about this crime.
Sarah Louise Pruitt- October 20, 2016
LAUDERDALE COUNTY, Miss. (WTOK)The Lauderdale County Sheriff`s Department is looking for Sarah Louise Pruitt.
Pruitt is a 41-year-old black female who stands about 5`2" in height, weighing around 160 pounds. She is wanted on a probation violation warrant out of the Circuit Court of Lauderdale County where she was originally convicted of the crime of felony shoplifting.
If you know where Pruitt can be found, please call the Crimestopper line. When you call Crimestoppers, you can remain anonymous. You are also eligible for a cash reward.
The number to call is (855) 485-TIPS.
Armed Robbery at Neshoba Co. Credit Union August 17, 2016
If you have information on the armed robbery that occurred this afternoon in the Neshoba Co. Credit Union,
Please call the East MS Crimestoppers number
Look at the surveillance photos and see if you know who this man is.
REMEMBER .. we don`t want your name ...
just your information.!
THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE ! August 05, 2016
Thanks to an anonymous tip.. this person is off the street and behind bars !
They`re on the way to get their CASH REWARD!
Bomb Threat at Walmart July 14, 2016
MERIDIAN, Miss. (WTOK) -A local Walmart store had to be evacuated due to a bomb threat Thursday afternoon.
Police say a 911 call came in just before 3 p.m. claiming there was a bomb in the Walmart on Highway 19 North.
Officials with the Meridian Police Department, the Lauderdale County Sheriff`s Department and the Meridian Fire Department were some of the agencies that responded. It took just over an hour for authorities to determine the claim was bogus.
If you have information on the person or persons responsible for this crime..
Stolen vehicle July 01, 2016
Stolen vehicle from Cr 52832 in Heidelberg MS on July 1,2016
If you have information about this vehicle call Crimestoppers at
If you know this individual`s whereabouts- YOUR tip could lead to his arrest and to you getting CASH REWARDS ! This is George Hilton....
This subject is wanted for burglary in Jasper County. Hilton has family that lives in Clarke co on hwy 513 near I59 and also an address of moss point ms. Subject is entered on ncic. If anybody has information as to the whereabouts of George Hilton please contact Jasper County Sheriff`s Dept. 601-764-2588 or East Mississippi Crimestoppers at...